Friday 1 July 2016

THE RESULTS ARE IN...... Favourite Books
Recommended by Mrs. Hignell’s Grade 3 Class

WOW!! The students did such a fantastic job persuading each other to read these books!
The results are in! Take a look at the list of books that our class thinks you should read:
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw - Jeff Kinney (Ella)**
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth - Jeff Kinney (Andrea)**
  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School - Jeff Kinney (Celyn)**
  • Oh The Places You’ll Go - Dr. Seuss (Avery)
  • Geronimo Stilton and The Kingdom of Fantasy - Elizabetta Dami (Abby)
  • Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell (Jameeka)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J. K. Rowling (Tristan)
  • Charlotte’s Web - E.B. White (Emma)
  • Public School Super Hero - James Patterson (Alessia)
  • The Tales of the Beedle and Bard (Harry Potter) - J.K. Rowling (Jack)
  • Soccer Superstars 2016- Triumph Books (Carter)
  • Ripley’s Believe It or Not Kids - Ripley Publishing (Miya)
  • Minecraft Combat Handbook - Egmont (Manou)**
  • Full House Books - Various Authors (Jessica) **
  • The Adventures of Captain Underpants - Dave Pilkey (Quentin)**
  • Where the Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak (Gabe)
  • Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots - Mike Johnson (Ben)
  • Royal Rumble: The Top 10 Roughest Rumbles in History - Craig Tello (Josh)
  • The Simpsons Comic Series - Matt Groening (Hussain)
  • Dangerous Animals (Jacob)
  • Descendants: Mal’s Diary - Disney Book Group (Clara)

**This book is a part of a series that is also recommended. Summer Reading!

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Figure Us Out

We spent some time using math to figure Mrs. Hignell out and now we are working to figure each other out. 

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Scientist in the School Plants

We had a fantastic presentation!! The secret word is Clara. I have just left the photos in their orinianl size. Enjoy! Students really enjoyed this and learned a great deal!!

Sunday 29 May 2016

Multiplication Quizzes

The school year is coming to an end! I want to be sure that the students are prepared for Grade 4. We have spent a lot of time working on learning Multiplication and Division, but have moved on. This does not mean that students shouldn't be continuing to practice their facts. 
Students: Do you think you know your multiplication facts? Test yourself with these self-correcting quizzes online. They offer flash cards for the facts that you missed so that you can continue to improve!
Don't forget that the Math Page of this blog has links to songs to help with skip counting! A fun way to learn :)

Friday 27 May 2016

Fun With Fractions!

Today we started learning about fractions and used pattern blocks to model parts of a whole. The students did a great job!

Sunday 8 May 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, godmothers and stepmothers who make our students feel so loved and cared for. According to our students, you are award winning!

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Math test: May 10, motion geometry

                           Students are asked to brush up on their motion geometry skills for Tuesday, May 10. Topics included are:

--- symmetry (finding the lines of symmetry, knowing what it means, and completing a symmetrical shape on a grid). If a shape is symmetrical, it can be folded along the line of symmetry and both sides will be the same shape and same size or congruent.

The secret word is Samaritan. 

--- congruence (knowing what it means and fining congruent shapes). Items that are congruent are the same shape and same size. 

--- Rotation (turn), reflection (flip) and translation (slide) Students must know the meaning of each term and be able to tell which was used in a diagram.

--- location on a grid. Students must be able to say where a certain item is on a grid. Always identify the horizontal letter or number first then the vertical. Example: the circle is on 8, 2.

--- moving on a grid . Students must be able to give directions and follow directions on a grid. An example is go right 4 squares, and up 3 squares to get to the store.

Science to bring in: Students are asked to bring in seeds to look at and compare. Flower seeds, tree seeds, seeds from fruit or vegetables ( I have avocado seeds), seeds from weeds, wild flowers etc....

Tuesday 26 April 2016

For Religion/Education Week

Students are asked to bring in a photo from their own experience or the Internet to show a modern day act of mercy. By this we mean a good Samaritan. It could show a person working with the poor, elderly, sick. It could show someone helping animals. The picture could be of a charity or group that helps the vulnerable. It could show someone who helps a person who upset or has a problem. It is best if the picture is in colour. Students will write about the picture at school not at home. We will do this on Thursday, April 28.

Thank you!

Friday 15 April 2016

Anxiety an Focus Resources for Parents

Another Resource for Parents and Students

In speaking with few parents and working with some children, the topic of anxiety has come up as well as attention issues. I told parents that I would track down books to loan them from our school library. What I have found is even better I think: the Library Portal to share ebooks!

How to do it:

 Students can go to the Student Portal on the St. Patrick School website. 

From that portal choose Destiny (library).
Your child will be asked to login with their student number which is listed as their netbook Log-in is the front of their agenda. The number begins with s followed by a 6 digit number  Example s989898. The password for Grade 3 is 1 and grades 4 and up use Patrick1
Then key in anxiety and several suggestions will come up.

Hope this is useful! Anxiety and stress are very difficult on people and they can cause problems for children to focus. I also have made and am using some little coping cards to help children shift from that little anxiety bully in their heads to the positive voice.  

Thursday 31 March 2016

How to get onto my slide show

Getting to my slide show

Firstly, your child must have an account on Google 

Go to the Internet and get the to the address       School Web Site

Go to Student Portal

Choose Drive  (double click)

Choose Science Folder  ( double click)

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Science Slide Shows

Science Slide Shows  Due Date for Completion Wed. April 6

           Our class has done some amazing work on Google Slides for the Science unit on Structures and Stability. This week students are to finish up their presentations so that they are ready to be shown to the class and are ready to be assessed.

          To finish, students need to make sure they have added information about the structure they made from blocks. I took a photo of this final structure and emailed it to each student. There are a few who were away and we will get these done tomorrow. Students can use this list below as an anchor chart for what they need to write about:

What makes my structure stable?
--- The base?
--- The foundation?
--- Is it a short structure? 
--- If my structure is tall what did I do to make it stable? 
--- Compare the top to the bottom of the structure  : which is wider?
--- What kind of shapes did I use?
---Did I use any beams? 
--- Did I use supports like buttresses? 

Parents: may organize work times, make suggestions, point out editing errors etc...but please let most of the work be done by your child. The secret word is quadrilateral.

Edit My Slideshow

--- capital letters for the name of special structures, countries, my own name etc...
--- spelling can be corrected by myself or by using the tool bar.
--- Is my text readable? the font is clear? the colours can be seen?
---Did I focus on what makes the structure stable rather than extra details that don't matter as much?

Jazz It Up!

--- We saw today how to use transitions to change from one slide to another 
--- We saw how to change the colours of the background and font. 

Sunday 6 March 2016

More Math

Test on Wednesday March 9, Perimeter and Area, See the past post on perimeter.

Here are questions that we have been working on in area. Firstly, a student needs to know the difference between perimeter ( the distance around the OUTSIDE of an object) and area (the space INSIDE an object). They should be able to show examples in daily life where we use each. 

                                     Count by 3's or count by 5's will be more efficient than counting by 1's

 Just count the squares                                                            Two half squares make 1 whole square

Again using half squares, as well as being able to figure out squares when the grid lines are not there. I've seen this type of question on EQAO a few times!

The secret word is perimeter! First 3 correct answers to give us 2 secret words, one from each of the latest 2 blogs, win a small prize!

 Final work on the Structures and Stability Unit    

 Short test on Thursday March 10

Students are on a very steep learning curve this past week and next. We had visitors come to our class and teach us how to use Google Slides. I chose the unit in Science on structures for students to show what they are learning. Each student is working on a slide show in their Google Drive on the student portal. It can be accessed from home as well as school. Work saves automatically. Students are encouraged to add information from home and especially can work on ways to add colour and transitions to their project. Parents are able to help with suggestions keeping in mind that it is the student's own work. We are working on putting researched information in our own words instead of just copying. We want information on what makes the chosen structures stable. Information on the name of the architect, when it was built, how much it cost etc... are OK as long as the focus is on what makes the structure stable. 

Students are trying to figure out why the Chipits box is much more
 stable than the Coca Cola box. Ask your child what they discovered. 
The secret word is unstable. You need 2 secret words to get the prize, one from the latest 2 blogs. First 3 people win a small prize. 

What does make a stable structure? 

-- shapes such as triangles, arches, braced rectangles
--- materials that are strong
---the foundation may support the building
--- a tall building could be wider at the bottom and more narrow at the top
--- thick beams, columns for support
--- piles or pillars in soft soil
--- spreading the weight by using legs or pillars or supports

measuring perimeter

Measuring Perimeter

Perimeter is the distance around the outside of an object. Students can find ways that we use perimeter in real life situations: measuring a picture frame, trim to go around a wall, door frame, fencing around a yard, stones around a garden etc......

Step 1 is to measure and add.

Step 2 is to add all of the sides and figure out if a side is missing. 3cm + 4cm+ ? = 9cm   So add 2 cm for the missing piece on the top.

Step 3: For perimeter on a grid, learning how to count the cm  as spaces around can be tricky for some students. Marking where you start may help.

Step 4: And irregular shapes on a grid Students must be careful not to get lost while counting.


Monday 22 February 2016

Parent-Teacher Interviews

Dear families,
This note is for those who requested an interview:
In an effort to schedule your parent-teacher interview at a time that is mutually convenient, we have set up an account using Simply Book Me. Please visit the link ( and choose from the available time slots.
Please note that these interviews will be with Ms. Howie. Mrs. Hignell's time will be split between the Grade 3 and Grade 6 classes. If you wish for Mrs. Hignell to be present during your interview as well, please book the same time through her separate link (  
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
Your partners in learning,
Ms. Howie and Mrs. Hignell

Thursday 18 February 2016

Our Lenten Project & Accompanying Spirit Days

Dear St. Patrick School Community,

For our Lenten Project, we have decided to work in partnership with the Shepherds of Good Hope. St. Patrick School will be collecting the following items that are currently in short supply: soup, coffee, jam, peanut butter, dry pasta, shampoo, deodorant, socks, mittens and hats. In addition to this, we will also be collecting monetary donations to be used towards supporting the Shepherds of Good Hope.

We have organized four spirit days to generate donations from students. Please see the list below, which outlines the themes of each spirit day, as well as the items that we are requesting students to contribute.

The spirit days are as follows:

  • Monday, February 22- Jersey Day:  Wear your favourite sports jersey to school
(A monetary donation is requested i.e. a loonie or a toonie)

  • Friday, February 26 - Costume Day - Dress as your favourite book, movie or television character.
**Please note, students are not to bring masks or weapons as a part of their costume.
(A donation of dry goods such as soups, dry pasta, jam, peanut butter or coffee are requested (or monetary donation))

  • Friday, March 4 - Pajama Day
(A donation of shampoo, deodorant, socks, mittens or hats for both males and females are requested (or monetary donation))

  • Friday, March 11 - Beach Day  - Dress as though it is summer time! Students will be invited to watch a “beach” volleyball match between the Grade 6 students and staff.
**Please note, students should be mindful of our school dress code.
(A donation of shampoo, deodorant, socks, mittens or winter hats for both males and females are requested (or monetary donation))

We thank you in advance for supporting our Lenten Project. By helping to support those most in need within our community, we are bringing ourselves closer to God.

Your Partners in Catholic Education,

Lenten Project Organizers, St. Patrick School

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Anxiety an Focus Resources for Parents

Another Resource for Parents and Students

In speaking with few parents and working with some children, the topic of anxiety has come up as well as attention issues. I told parents that I would track down books to loan them from our school library. What I have found is even better I think: the Library Portal to share ebooks!

How to do it:

 Students can go to the Student Portal on the St. Patrick School website. 

From that portal choose Destiny (library).
Your child will be asked to login with their student number which is listed as their netbook Log-in is the front of their agenda. The number begins with s followed by a 6 digit number  Example s989898. The password for Grade 3 is 1 and grades 4 and up use Patrick1
Then key in anxiety and several suggestions will come up.

Hope this is useful! Anxiety and stress are very difficult on people and they can cause problems for children to focus. I also have made and am using some little coping cards to help children shift from that little anxiety bully in their heads to the positive voice.  

Monday 15 February 2016

Science Update

Structures and Stability

View photo in message
View photo in messageView photo in messageWe have been enjoying this theme in Science because students get to build! During the first activity students just explored and built structures using foam blocks and wooden blocks. From this they discovered that some structures were stable and others were not. We then looked at why. Students came up with very good reasons. They discovered that structures that were too tall were less stable than shorter ones and that structures with a larger base were more stable. They also learned that structures that were more narrow at the top than the bottom were more stable. This begins the process of "inquiry" learning.Displaying photo.JPGDisplaying photo.JPG In these pictures students used a cardboard box as a table. They tried different places to put the legs. They tried in each corner, all 4 legs in the centre nd legs to one side of the table. Then the fun began testing the stability by placing a load on top of the "table".

Why Inquiry Learning?

Students are more engaged and they remember concepts that they have discovered much better                                                                                          than if they were just told.

Words to know: stable, unstable, structure, load, foundation.

 We will work on this cool website this week!

Shapes Lab

Ms. Howie

We Are Mathematicians!

The students demonstrated their ability to collaborate with each other, practising a new method for subtraction with regrouping. Have a look at the Math page of the blog for more information on what we're working on in class.

Kindness Week Begins!

Friday was the official start of Kindness Week! Students shared valentine's with each other on Friday and it was so wonderful to hear their interactions, with so much generosity and gratitude. We are a class family!

This week, focus on random acts of kindness. What can you do to be kind to others?