Tuesday 16 February 2016

Anxiety an Focus Resources for Parents

Another Resource for Parents and Students

In speaking with few parents and working with some children, the topic of anxiety has come up as well as attention issues. I told parents that I would track down books to loan them from our school library. What I have found is even better I think: the Library Portal to share ebooks!

How to do it:

 Students can go to the Student Portal on the St. Patrick School website. 

From that portal choose Destiny (library).
Your child will be asked to login with their student number which is listed as their netbook Log-in is the front of their agenda. The number begins with s followed by a 6 digit number  Example s989898. The password for Grade 3 is 1 and grades 4 and up use Patrick1
Then key in anxiety and several suggestions will come up.

Hope this is useful! Anxiety and stress are very difficult on people and they can cause problems for children to focus. I also have made and am using some little coping cards to help children shift from that little anxiety bully in their heads to the positive voice.  

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