Thursday 18 February 2016

Our Lenten Project & Accompanying Spirit Days

Dear St. Patrick School Community,

For our Lenten Project, we have decided to work in partnership with the Shepherds of Good Hope. St. Patrick School will be collecting the following items that are currently in short supply: soup, coffee, jam, peanut butter, dry pasta, shampoo, deodorant, socks, mittens and hats. In addition to this, we will also be collecting monetary donations to be used towards supporting the Shepherds of Good Hope.

We have organized four spirit days to generate donations from students. Please see the list below, which outlines the themes of each spirit day, as well as the items that we are requesting students to contribute.

The spirit days are as follows:

  • Monday, February 22- Jersey Day:  Wear your favourite sports jersey to school
(A monetary donation is requested i.e. a loonie or a toonie)

  • Friday, February 26 - Costume Day - Dress as your favourite book, movie or television character.
**Please note, students are not to bring masks or weapons as a part of their costume.
(A donation of dry goods such as soups, dry pasta, jam, peanut butter or coffee are requested (or monetary donation))

  • Friday, March 4 - Pajama Day
(A donation of shampoo, deodorant, socks, mittens or hats for both males and females are requested (or monetary donation))

  • Friday, March 11 - Beach Day  - Dress as though it is summer time! Students will be invited to watch a “beach” volleyball match between the Grade 6 students and staff.
**Please note, students should be mindful of our school dress code.
(A donation of shampoo, deodorant, socks, mittens or winter hats for both males and females are requested (or monetary donation))

We thank you in advance for supporting our Lenten Project. By helping to support those most in need within our community, we are bringing ourselves closer to God.

Your Partners in Catholic Education,

Lenten Project Organizers, St. Patrick School

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