Wednesday 30 March 2016

Science Slide Shows

Science Slide Shows  Due Date for Completion Wed. April 6

           Our class has done some amazing work on Google Slides for the Science unit on Structures and Stability. This week students are to finish up their presentations so that they are ready to be shown to the class and are ready to be assessed.

          To finish, students need to make sure they have added information about the structure they made from blocks. I took a photo of this final structure and emailed it to each student. There are a few who were away and we will get these done tomorrow. Students can use this list below as an anchor chart for what they need to write about:

What makes my structure stable?
--- The base?
--- The foundation?
--- Is it a short structure? 
--- If my structure is tall what did I do to make it stable? 
--- Compare the top to the bottom of the structure  : which is wider?
--- What kind of shapes did I use?
---Did I use any beams? 
--- Did I use supports like buttresses? 

Parents: may organize work times, make suggestions, point out editing errors etc...but please let most of the work be done by your child. The secret word is quadrilateral.

Edit My Slideshow

--- capital letters for the name of special structures, countries, my own name etc...
--- spelling can be corrected by myself or by using the tool bar.
--- Is my text readable? the font is clear? the colours can be seen?
---Did I focus on what makes the structure stable rather than extra details that don't matter as much?

Jazz It Up!

--- We saw today how to use transitions to change from one slide to another 
--- We saw how to change the colours of the background and font. 

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