Sunday 6 March 2016

 Final work on the Structures and Stability Unit    

 Short test on Thursday March 10

Students are on a very steep learning curve this past week and next. We had visitors come to our class and teach us how to use Google Slides. I chose the unit in Science on structures for students to show what they are learning. Each student is working on a slide show in their Google Drive on the student portal. It can be accessed from home as well as school. Work saves automatically. Students are encouraged to add information from home and especially can work on ways to add colour and transitions to their project. Parents are able to help with suggestions keeping in mind that it is the student's own work. We are working on putting researched information in our own words instead of just copying. We want information on what makes the chosen structures stable. Information on the name of the architect, when it was built, how much it cost etc... are OK as long as the focus is on what makes the structure stable. 

Students are trying to figure out why the Chipits box is much more
 stable than the Coca Cola box. Ask your child what they discovered. 
The secret word is unstable. You need 2 secret words to get the prize, one from the latest 2 blogs. First 3 people win a small prize. 

What does make a stable structure? 

-- shapes such as triangles, arches, braced rectangles
--- materials that are strong
---the foundation may support the building
--- a tall building could be wider at the bottom and more narrow at the top
--- thick beams, columns for support
--- piles or pillars in soft soil
--- spreading the weight by using legs or pillars or supports

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