Sunday 6 March 2016

More Math

Test on Wednesday March 9, Perimeter and Area, See the past post on perimeter.

Here are questions that we have been working on in area. Firstly, a student needs to know the difference between perimeter ( the distance around the OUTSIDE of an object) and area (the space INSIDE an object). They should be able to show examples in daily life where we use each. 

                                     Count by 3's or count by 5's will be more efficient than counting by 1's

 Just count the squares                                                            Two half squares make 1 whole square

Again using half squares, as well as being able to figure out squares when the grid lines are not there. I've seen this type of question on EQAO a few times!

The secret word is perimeter! First 3 correct answers to give us 2 secret words, one from each of the latest 2 blogs, win a small prize!

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